Monday, January 16, 2012

Review: Become

Title: BECOME: a novel of Desolation
Author: Ali Cross

Book Summary:
“Sixteen-year old Desolation Black wants nothing more than to stay in Hell where it’s cold and lonely and totally predictable. Instead, she’s sent back to Earth where she must face the evil she despises and the good she always feared.

When Desi is forced to embrace her inner demon, she assumes her choice has been made—that she has no hope of being anything other than what her father, Lucifer, has created her to be. What she doesn’t count on, is finding a reason to change—something she’s never had before—a friend.”

Desolation Black has the fate of the world in her hands.  Literally.  In the battle between the Light and the Darkness, she alone holds the key. Having grown up, literally, in Hell Desi hasn’t had what you would call a “normal” childhood.  I really like that, throughout the novel, I understand what Desi is feeling and why she chooses to do things, the way she does.  This novel is powerful, well written, and has a wonderful flow.  This story kept me on my toes, and I loved being surprised by some of the decisions that were made!

That said Become has, in my opinion, a distinctive dark feel.  Many of the themes and actions in the story lean towards this darkness and, for me, made the book less enjoyable.  I do, however, understand why these parts are included.  The darkness has to be there to explain who Desi is and what she has lived with her entire life.  One cannot live in Hell and expect no sin or violence.  I get that.  Just be aware going into the book that it’s there.  Because of the dark content (which includes drugs, violence, and sexual situations), I suggest that parents read it first for anyone under 16. Overall, the word I would use to describe this book is; Powerful.

 The Cover;
            If you can look at this cover and tell me it does not look powerful, I would have to say that you're blind.  It is beautiful and all the elements work together to create an image that intrigues you and makes you want to delve deeper. The cover design (done by Ali Cross) and the cover art (done by Fanye L.O.) are both amazing and beautiful!

I give this book 4 out of 5 hearts; Great book! Because though it is darker, it is well written and intriguing.

To learn more about Ali Cross visit her website here:

To buy Become go here:Amazon or here: Barnes and Noble 


  1. Great review! I've read BECOME and, yes, it's dark, but it's PHENOMENAL!! Life changing stuff in there. Life is all about choices and this book teaches us that it's never too late to make good choices. I can't wait for the rest of the series.

  2. I think this is a really smart review, Lauren, and you are exactly right--I tried to keep it from crossing an R-rated line, but it's DEFINITELY PG13. I think having a parent preview it is a good idea, too.

    Thank you so much for this awesome review!

    1. Your welcome! :) I can't wait for the rest of the series!

  3. Ooh--gorgeous! Does it end on an okay note? I hate books that almost end well and then they feel the need to throw in a huge cliffhanger just for the sake of the series...

    1. This book has a definite cliffhanger at the end; it sets the stage nicely for the next book. If that is something that bothers you I would suggest waiting until the next book comes out, that way you don't have to have a cliffhanger, just a continuation!

  4. I hadn't heard of Ali Cross until the YA Scavenger Hunt. I'm glad you liked her book. I'm still not sure if I'm into this one or I want to read it?

  5. Great review! I won this book but haven't had a chance to start it yet with all the other books I have yet to read. Hope I get to it at one point though.

  6. Oooh yay! I really want to read this one! thanks for the awesome review!

  7. I have this on my Kindle, I've just been hesitant to start it. I think I might bump it up on my tbr pile though!

  8. +JMJ+

    It sounds as if Desi is the perfect metaphorical representation of teenagers who feel that they are in their own personal hells. If I'm right about that, I hope that the rest of her story has universal elements that readers can take away with them to better their own lives, and isn't "just a story."

  9. I love this version of devil's daughter. Desi's not some ssuper hell raiser or goody goody with daddy issues. She seems to be a young girl with issues you get from literally living in hell. Your review has really opened my eyes to the posibilities of this book and Desi as a strong female character. I have previously seen this book on goodreads but it got lost in the paranormal fare and I didn't even read the summary. Definiteky regret that now and will put this on my book list to buy in 2012.

  10. I really love books that have a dark feel to them and with the way Desi grows up, I would expect nothing less. Great review, I cannot wait to read this
